United Methodist

Winsted United Methodist Church

630 Main St., Winsted, CT 06098-0095 USA
Tel: 860-379-6386

Rev. Florence Eddins, Pastor
We are a community church that welcomes all people.

Winsted United Methodist Church
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Contributions to the Winsted United Methodist Church are fully tax deductible.  

I (we) would like to support the Winsted United Methodist Church 
with a contribution of $ _______.

This contribution will be: (Check the appropriate boxes)
[   ]  By check payable
[   ]  One Single Payment
[   ]  Installments:
2003 $ ________ 2004 $ ________
My gift is given:  ____________________________

In Memory of  


In Honor of 

Print Name  ____________________________
Signature  ____________________________
Church Name/Affiliation  ____________________________

Please print and mail this form with your check or installment payment to: Winsted United Methodist Church; 630 Main St., Winsted, CT 06098-0095